THE MORNING SHIFT Avec The Morning Shift Crew Arts & Culture | Community | Hip Hop | Interviews | News Your source for hip hop in the morning! News, views, and interviews with The Morning Shift crew! Langue: Anglais Sur demande UTILISEZ CHROME POUR MEILLEUR RÉSULTAT Lundis from 07:00 AM a 09:00 AMOctober 7thSeptember 30thSeptember 23rdSeptember 16thMardis from 07:00 AM a 09:00 AMOctober 1stSeptember 24thSeptember 17thSeptember 10thMercredis from 07:00 AM a 09:00 AMOctober 2ndSeptember 25thSeptember 18thSeptember 11thJeudis from 07:00 AM a 09:00 AMOctober 3rdSeptember 26thSeptember 19thSeptember 12thVendredis from 07:00 AM a 09:00 AMOctober 4thSeptember 27thSeptember 20thSeptember 13th