Top 30 is pulled straight from the station’s weekly new release chart: an all killer, no filler distillation of the music CHUO’s show hosts and programmers have been bumping to. Tune in to hear tracks from the freshest releases from Ottawa and around the world alongside interviews with the artists who made them. Want to… Read more »
Show Category: Rock
Oddball music diversions from the analog age, interspersed with attempted witticisms and meaningless trivia, sometimes interrupted by live celebrity chats.

L’autoroute musicale de la francophonie canadienne. Voilà la voie que vous invite à explorer d’une semaine à l’autre l’animateur Marc Lalonde via CKRH FM. Parcourez avec lui le pays d’est en ouest à la découverte de la chanson d’expression française. Deux heures de purs délices musicaux.

A program dedicated to the lifestyle of finding and enjoying new music.